Room 101: Rob Louw – Rotherham lock

1. Internet buffering
Losing internet connection when you're out and about is immensely frustrating. This is more of a problem back home in where the internet structure is a lot worse, but it still happens a lot when you're trying to pass the time on a train journey by watching a movie or funny videos on YouTube.
TRP verdict: Who are we not to let this go through when it clearly reduces you to a stream of tears.
2. FIFA heartache
I don't play as much as I used to but losing to one of your mates at FIFA after they score an extra-time winner really sucks. I'd love to be able to come out on top every time so I could avoid the relentless banter you get. That's why I normally pick Manchester United or Bayern Munich players.
TRP verdict: Put an X in that box, you're in again.
3. Human statues
I like to get to places quickly so it frustrates me when people stop right in front of you on the pavement without any warning whatsoever. You either bump into them by accident, and get a filthy look, or perform a last-minute body swerve to avoid contact. This happens all the time when you're walking down Princes Street in or in a busy shopping mall.
TRP verdict: You're lucky, a pedestrian pace isn't for us either.

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