20 Questions: Andrea Masi – Wasps centre

Andrea MasiHow’s life at ?
I’m really enjoying it. I’m playing constantly and am very happy with the club, the coaches and the players. The fans like me and everything is going well.
English ?
I like the structure in England, the way you work and the professionalism of the coaches. It’s more structured than in and I like the mentality here.
You played for and Racing Metro… is it more relaxed there?
Exactly. France has so much money and great players but the structure isn’t good enough. They don’t produce the rugby they should. There’s not enough open rugby.
Sad to hear Bill Vunipola will leave Wasps?
Very, because he’s a brilliant player and a great person. But I’m confident can find someone else.
Impressed by Dai Young?
I really like Dai because he never gives you too much pressure and speaks well to you. I like that and our training is very well organised.
Get on well with the Wasps players?
All the guys have been very kind with me and it’s funny at times. When we train we are serious, but afterwards is fun. I love listening to because he has so many stories.
How hard is the Premiership?
It’s a very tough and the rugby is different to Italy and France. It’s much more physical and after every game you feel tired the day after.
You began playing rugby in L’Aquila?
Yes. It’s my birth city and I started playing professional rugby with L’Aquila in 1997. It seems a long time ago now but L’Aquila is a special place for me and my family live there.
Were they affected by the 2009 earthquake?
There was a little damage to my house and my family was alright. But I lost a couple of friends which was very sad. The centre of L’Aquila is still badly damaged.
Why rugby, not football?
L’Aquila is a rugby city. It has a very good tradition there and all my friends played rugby. I watch football on TV and support Roma, but I always played rugby.
Teenage rugby idols?
It was a different era and you never saw international rugby on TV. But I looked up to great Italian players like Alessandro Troncon, Paolo Vaccari and Diego Dominguez.
Made your Italian debut alongside them, didn’t you?
In 1999, yes. It was amazing. I was capped aged 18 and it was in L’Aquila, against , so all the fans were for me. I scored a try and it was a magic moment I’ll never forget. My shirt is in the L’Aquila clubhouse.
You’ve played in three World Cups… fancy a fourth?
My goal is to play in the next here in England. I’d just arrived in London when the Olympics was on and that was amazing, so it will be the same for the World Cup. I will finish my international career after that.
Best moment playing for Italy?
Beating France in 2011. I played a really good game and it was a dream to beat the French.
How can Italy be better?
There are good young players but we must improve our academies and learn from better nations like England. Our development structure needs to be better.
Live in South Kensington now?
Yes. It’s a small flat but it’s my first time in London and I choose to stay near the centre because I want to experience everything. I did the same in Paris.
How do you chill-out?
Hyde Park is round the corner and I love walking. There are many coffee shops and I have an Italian Vespa which I like to ride around the city.
Favourite cuisine?
All sorts. I like English food – we eat twice a day at the club and it’s great – and I enjoy French, Chinese and Sushi. I like going to new restaurants.
Into golf yet?
I like golf but I need to improve my technique before I start playing seriously.
Ambitions for Wasps this season?
To be in the top six because we want to be in the . It will be hard but we are playing well and are confident, so why not?

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