20 Questions: Chris Budgen – Exeter prop

Chris BudgenHappy with that big win over Sale?
Couldn’t have done much better. We’ve talked about learning how to finish things off and we were pretty happy with a six-try win.
Did you know you’re the oldest Prem try-scorer at 39 yrs 224 days?
No! I’m pretty happy about that. It was one of my speciality tries … a big one-metre stretch after good work from the boys. It was nice to be on the end of it.
Enjoy the rapport you have with the fans?
Love it. When I finish that’ll be the biggest thing I’ll miss. It’s nice to be popular with the fans and I like doing things with a smile on my face.
Back to Saints today… popular there, too?
I’ve been back a few times with and The Army and always get a good reception. It’s a proper ground with proper supporters up there.
How do you combine pro rugby with soldiering?
I was back working at Tidworth Barracks over the summer and they’re very good about letting me play rugby. Rob Baxter’s very understanding, too, and I’ve had a really good innings.
Been on overseas Army duty recently?
The last time was to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in 2007. I expect to go again sometime, but that’s what we sign on the dotted line for.
Scariest situation in Army combat?
There’ve been a few, but getting pinned down on a roof by the Taliban was pretty scary. You get used to it and crack on, but it certainly makes you realise a few things about life.
Best rugby moment?
Army v Navy matches at are special. Crowds have gone from 20,000 to nearly 70,000 and it’s a massive reunion day. Being promoted with Saints and was good, too, although it probably meant a bit more with Chiefs.
Enjoy proving doubters wrong at Exeter?
You do, because you want to prove a point. Losing the ‘whipping boys’ tag has been good and we’re taken a lot more seriously. It’s satisfying to stick it up the critics.
Tell us about prop Luke Cowan-Dickie?
He’s a good boy who’s got a big future. He trains hard and has a great attitude … could go all the way.
Who takes the most stick at Chiefs?
Chris Whitehead … for being a bit of a wide-boy. Ben White, our Aussie back row, gets stick because of his receding hairline and because nobody can understand him.
Best and worst trainers?
Quickest trainer is Whitehead … last in, first out, never seen a man pump weights so fast. Our new prop, Alex Brown, is a keen trainer, too. Worst is Neil Clarke… always on the physio’s bench.
Tightest player?
The Argies are pretty tight and Mieres doesn’t like dipping into his pocket at all. He’s a secret millionaire, I reckon.
Rugby idols growing up in NZ?
The All Black greats… Richard Loe, Sean Fitzpatrick, Steve McDowell and Murray Mexted. As a young Kiwi those guys were awesome. I actually played my first senior game against Richard Loe, which was a buzz for me.
You’re from Waikato… ever come across ?
I played against him quite a few times. We played for neighbouring clubs – he was with Taupiri and I played for Ngaruawahia – and it was one of those old club rivalries. He was a good, hard player.
Would Warren know you now?
Yes, we’d bump into each other when played Saints and he knew who I was. He’s a pretty good guy, not one of those arrogant, stuck-up people. Tell him I’m available for the Lions!
Favourite food and drink?
Chicken. Lots of it, washed down with a cold lager. Black Sambuca’s a nice drink too. I got our chief executive, Tony Rowe, drunk on that once!
Admire outside rugby?
Military guys who get blown up and then rebuild their lives. That’s pretty humbling.
Hardest opponent?
The old boys at , Julian White and Graham Rowntree. French props are tough, too …  pure scrummagers who usually want to kill you!
Rugby ambitions?
I’d love to play in a big with Chiefs and win it. That would be good for the club.

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