20 Questions: Jack Nowell – England wing

Jack NowellLiving the dream?
Absolutely loving it. Words can’t describe the feelings I’m going through at the moment. But it’s important to stay grounded.
Are you achieving that?
My mates still take the Mickey like before and mum and dad say I haven’t changed, so that’s the important thing. It’s my that got me to this point and I’m trying not to let all the attention affect me.
Surreal 12 months for you?
Incredible! It doesn’t seem a month since I was with in , so to go from that to beating at is unbelievable.
Describe that day?
The minute they opened the doors of the coach, the roar was phenomenal. I thought ‘this is what I want to be doing’.  No nerves, just sheer excitement.
Surprised to get the chance?
After only playing a handful of games, I wasn’t expecting it at all. To be given the chance by England and be trusted has been amazing.
How did you discover you were in the squad?
I was over the moon just to be in the Saxons, then called me in and said, ‘Congratulations, you’re in the full squad’. The grin on my face was ridiculous.
What advice did Stuart Lancaster give?
Just to show up in training and don’t change as a player or person. He said I was there because of how I’d played for and that gave me confidence.
Dodgy first 30 seconds against France, mind?
It was a shaky one! For me, though, the best thing was how I came back from that. In 10 years hopefully people will have forgotten.
Always had that mental strength?
When I was younger I would have made a mistake and dwelt on it, worrying about what the coaches were thinking. But I’ve learnt to forget about mistakes now and Ali Hepher at Exeter has been influential there.
Who are you rooming with?
My Exeter mate Tom Johnson. He reads books while I play with my laptop so I call him the ‘old man’, but we get on well together.
Characters in the England camp?
Joe Marler’s pretty hilarious. Another funny guy is Jonny May, although he doesn’t know it. Boys are laughing at him and he doesn’t understand why, but he’s a top bloke.
Rugby hero growing up?
Jason Robinson was my hero and still is. Anything could happen with him and he was a very exciting player. I’d love to achieve what he did.
Been through any initiation ceremonies?
Not yet. We don’t have to sing on the bus anymore. The rule now is you’ve got to take a drink from every player in the squad at the end of the . That’s 22 drinks… I’ll need to brace myself!
How’s the reaction been at home?
Brilliant. I’ve been getting loads of support from Exeter and Cornwall and my twitter account’s gone mental… it’s up to about 9,000 now.
Proud to be leading the Exeter charge?
Definitely. We’ve had the likes of Henry Slade, Dave Ewers and Sam Hill in the Saxons and they’ll hopefully soon be in there as well.
Been tough watching Chiefs struggle?
They’ve been playing well but just not finishing things off. The boys are playing good rugby and I’ll be back to help in a couple of weeks.
Swapped any England shirts yet?
No, I’ve been hanging on to my own. Tom Wood tried to swap his with one of the French boys to give to me, but couldn’t get one.
Used to be a full-back, didn’t you?
I played there for the U20s but swapped to the wing for Exeter and it’s been a good move.
Competition for places fierce?
Marland Yarde’s fit again and will be back soon, so we’ll all be fighting with each other which is great for the team.
Planning to buy a new car?
I’ll maybe try to look for something when I get back after the Six Nations.

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