Working from home? How Natural Tea can freshen your mind

You can be a successful businessman or an employee or maybe a student, but working from home is stressful for all. The lack of structure, too many distractions, difficulty in setting boundaries, social isolation, all add up to the stress. So, to unwind, all you need is a nice and a cup of tea.

Benefits of Natural Tea

Starting your day with tea can be great for your body and also calm your mind. Although black coffee has huge health benefits, most people add cream & sugar, thus making it a lot more unhealthy. Thus, tea comes into play, as it needs fewer additives and is also healthy for your body.

It is rich in antioxidants, thus helping you fight inflammation and also improves brain health. Moreover, it helps prevent blood vessels from hardening and also lowers the risk of stroke and heart diseases. A perfect cup will help you stimulate your senses and energize you from within. Just like yoga, meditation, listening to music, tea also gives a positive impact on your body and relaxes your mind.

In addition, they promote a better sleep cycle as the essential oil content in tea cools down the nerves. For a perfect cup of tea, you should brew 3 tablespoons of the fresh herbs or 1 tablespoon of dried herbs for about 5-10 minutes.

Some herbal teas will give you an immediate effect and reducing anxiety, as they're exposed to minimum oxidation. Oxidation generally occurs while processing the freshly plucked tea leaves, but minimal oxidation ensures the presence of some magical properties. The key ingredient in herbal tea is L-theanine, which helps in improving sleep quality, reducing stress, diminishing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Different types of teas that can freshen your mind

Teas not only relax your mind but also help you sleep peacefully, cause of all the herbs present in these magic potions. With everything from classic chamomile to meditative matcha, herbal teas soothe, promote relaxation and ensure a healthy body. Here's a look at 7 stress-relieving teas that can freshen your mind on a stressful day.

1.    Kratom Tea

It comes from a tree called, Mitragyna speciosa of Southeast Asia and is commonly called Kratom. It has huge popularity in the West, and some people claim its leaves have important health benefits. Scientific research is lacking in this context, and also Kratom has numerous health risks.

Some health bloggers say Kratom tea alleviates pain, relieves mood disorders, anxiety and depression. They also say the tea helps in symptoms of opioid withdrawal, but it has huge health risks. Much scientific evidence suggests that overuse of this can result in many health risks.

When the green hulu kapuas kratom tea is consumed, after the effects start acting up, it releases a potent neurotransmitter which is called Acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter increases the pain and muscle contractions and hence it works great to recover your muscles should there be an injury or contraction. It is also a muscle relaxer which allows it to numb the muscles for a while and thus you can keep working out for as long as you want. People who are into running and aerobics or Zumba, with the tea, will be infuriated because the plant acts as a stimulant and will cause your body to gain pace quickly and burn fat faster. Even yoga practitioners prefer it because it relaxes the joints and muscles and makes it easy to stretch which is more relaxing.

Overall, kratom consumed in the form of tea is helping because its liquid form allows it to take effect more quickly. Day by day the acceptance of Kratom is increasing and now it is widely consumed to provide that extra boost

2.    Chamomile tea

It is famous for its calming effects and is mostly used by people as a sleeping aid. It is used for a long as a traditional folk remedy for a lot of health issues. But now, researchers are exploring its effectiveness in managing health issues, including cancer and diabetes.

 Moreover, it is believed that it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and liver-protecting effects. Studies in mice and rats also show that chamomile might help fight diarrhea and stomach ulcers. Several studies showed that chamomile tea helps in menstrual cramps, reducing the severity of the pain. Also, women who consumed chamomile tea for a month reported less anxiety and distress related to the period pain.

Again, some studies showed that chamomile tea lowers blood sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes. It definitely can't be a substitute for medicines but lowers the risk of diabetes complications. Furthermore, several studies proved chamomile tea to be a stress reliever and sleep inducer.

3.    CBD Tea

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant. While studies are still investigating the benefits of CBD, some manufacturers claim benefits that have no scientific evidence. CBD Tea does not make people intoxicated like the usage of cannabis. Hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal, but Cannabis-derived CBD products, are illegal federally. You can visit this page to get the best quality legal products at your doorstep.

To make CBD tea various concentrations of CBD are used which provides relaxation and other health benefits. CBD teas come in various flavors and formulas, with included ingredients for health benefits. Though traditional medicine practitioners are using CBD for thousands of years, enough research is not there. There is no scientific evidence on the benefits or side effects of CBD.

4.    Peppermint tea

This aromatic tea is very commonly used in the world. It helps in maintaining the health of the digestive tract and is a great remedy for indigestion. Not only that, but it also possesses antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, and antiviral properties, and even helps in cold and flu.

People generally have this after dinner to calm their digestive system down and also to sleep better. You can make it either by infusing peppermint leaves in hot water or by using spearmint leaves. The essential oils in the leaves like menthol, menthone, and limonene give the tea its refreshing, cooling, minty taste.

Pure peppermint tree is caffeine-free, so a great option for those who avoid caffeine and also helps in bloating. Due to its menthol properties, it helps to avoid bad breath, and also will help you with a blocked nose. The menthol smell of peppermint together with the steam will improve your nasal airflow, and thus improve your health.

5.    Lavender tea

This is another one that has shown effects in relieving stress and promoting relaxation. It calms nerves, leads to better sleep, improves skin health and provides many other benefits. People all over the world use Lavender as an aromatherapy ingredient, as it helps with anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

Studies say that compounds in lavender stimulate activity in certain areas of the brain, thus boost mood and calms people. Research showed 80 new mothers who tried lavender tea for 2 weeks reported less fatigue and depression. Also, research has proved that if you have lavender tea to unwind before bed, you will have better sleep.

6.    Rose tea

From rose water to essential oils, rose petals have a huge potential for the relaxation effect. The sweet smell of roses helps to beat stress and relax your mind. You can use fresh or dried rose petals, and steep them in water until they turn dark. You can sip it before sleeping, which will give you a calming effect and improve sleep.

In winters, a hot cup of rose tea will calm your mind, warm your soul and help your body in many ways. It helps to soothe anxiety and reduce stress, thus encouraging sleep. Furthermore, it also helps to improve digestion and soothe irksome stomach troubles, as it has a mild laxative effect. It also helps in menstrual cramps and is rich in antioxidants.

7.    Matcha

Matcha comes from the camellia sinensis plant, and most teas from this plant contain some amount of L-theanine. This chemical is a unique amino acid that helps in relaxation and stress relief. In particular, matcha has a high level of this compound, because of the shaded growth period the tea undergoes before harvest.

The combination of caffeine and L-theanine helps to produce a calm, meditative state in your body. Matcha is quite popular these days and you can consume it as teas, lattes, shots, and even desserts. It is rich in antioxidants, namely, catechins, which is a class of plant compounds in tea.

Different teas provide different kinds of health benefits, though most of them work as stress reliever. You should choose what works best for you, as Kratom and matcha are great for diabetic people.

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