How to earn money out of computer games?

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The answer is rather simple, the same as in sports, there are advertisements and sponsors here. But games also have developers that are interested in the involvement of new users and project promotion. Anybody can make money out of games easily.


In esports, driving is assistance for new players by more experienced gamers. The more time you spend on a game, the better their skills are, for example, in slow roll poker, the player delays turning or calling over cards to give false hope to opponent that you have big hands and so on and so forth. A new gamer will spend a lot of time on achievement significant results while experienced gamers can do it in several days. If a newcomer does not want to spend time leveling up, the driver can do it instead of them. They will do it at a certain charge and the newcomer will get an opportunity to enjoy all the advantages of the character.

To find clients, you can place an advertisement on social network sites and game communities. Earning depends on the demand made by the client. Experienced drivers recommend taking upfront payment. The price of leveling up of one account can be 400 dollars and it takes several weeks on average.


Gaming tournaments are held in the whole world regularly. The number of games for the tournaments is growing every year. The work is to take part in the gaming tournament. The winners get a considerable amount of money. It is the main work for professional gamers. There are many competitions in different games.

Streaming of gaming tournaments gathers a lot of spectators together. Thanks to this any player can become a celebrity.

To start earning money at tournaments, you need to form a team, to give roles for all the players and to train a lot.  At first, you can master local tournaments, for example, regional ones. But if members of the team will not be able to get to one place together as they live in different cities or even countries, there are online tournaments for such teams.

Try to participate, win and get rewards. Later you can take part in more prestigious events. But it is not enough for a professional gamer. This person also had to develop strategies, precise knowledge of physics and mechanics of the game, constant polishing work on skills. But even regular players can earn this way.

Representatives of other specializations can earn well on esports. Aside from this, you can try your luck playing casino games to earn some money.

Game testing

Is it possible to earn money just enjoying the game with no competition? Sometimes you can see an announcement of the engagement of game testers. Some companies such as Valve provides official recruitment. The work is to test games, look for bugs and telling the programmers about them. The creators are not able to find all the bugs themselves, so they pay money to gamers to find them. But according to experienced testers, this job is not a dream job for sure.

Many testers complain about low salaries, hard work conditions and disregard of the developer. That is what makes it clear that  «dream job» is an illusion. But if you really want, this way can bring you some money.

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